This is cyberdemocracy :), you may chose what you like. But for first time, I feel a little bit confusing to navigate blog. The main menu bar only contain view style and page.
Classic style, showing entries from latest to oldest. |
View full entry. AdSense wiil be shown on right and below content. I don't know how to override this default style. |
Flipcard style, show entries title. |
Another traditional style with sidebar on left. |
Magazine style, best if you have entry with image. |
Mosaic style. |
As aforementioned above, navigation of this new template is confusing. Most visitor will find menu bar to navigate blog, example to view post by category, view the latest and most viewed/commented, or related entry. Its OK for regular visitor, they may only want to view the latest entry. But for new visitor who want to explore more content, they must make adaption to how explorer that blog.
Side story
If I were Google's Boss I will ask my engineer to make Blogger a paradise playground for web developer-- both designer and coder. Wordpress as a good example, not only ready-to-use blog platform. Wordpress also attracts so many web developers (theme designer, plugin developer, people who claim SEO expert, etc.), they are doing fun-for-profit game :). If you search blogger template, majority of them are 'adaption' from Wordpress. Blogger template system is so complicated, all in one xml file. And personally, I prefer toying Wordpress rather than Blogger.
Attract many web developer meaning make Blogger platform fruitful, more popular. More publisher with good content, more web developer involve with 'crazy-creativity', more money generated (don't forget AdSense played here hehehe).
It is not uncommon today many companies have 'company blog'. They let their employees to express their personal idea or official company press release. If Blogger provide more professional solution, perhaps those companies will use Blogger as their press platform, at low price but superb infrastructure, free maintenance cost and other benefit. Win-win solution :).
Tumblr is the raising star in free blog service, flexible like Wordpress, with good infrastructure like Blogger (I found my blog at faster than one at