Right click on Inbox folder, go to properties. |
Copy the path of the file folder. |
Open Windows Explorer, paste the path in address bar, then press Enter. Outlook Express's folder will be shown. Copy the folder to place you want. Now, your Outlook Express was backup. |
To recovery your email, eg. your computer is reinstalled or system got crashed and you lost your email, you only need to copy and paste the Outlook Express folder into default folder. See image above how to find default path of Outlook Express folder path. Note: you must close Outlook Express while copy and paste operation, otherwise error will occur.
Also please remember that Outlook Express has limitation on data handling, your Inbox or Sent Item is max 2GB. More than 2GB, your email client will error managing data. You should split your Inbox and Sent Item folder. You may archive and split email by date, topic or sender address.
We will discuss it later, see you :)..