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Python: Basics

Just printing 'Hello World' is not enough, is it? You want to do more than that - you want to take some input, manipulate it and get something out of it. We can achieve this in Python using constants and variables.

Literal Constants
An example of a literal constant is a number like 5, 1.23, 9.25e-3 or a string like 'This is a string' or "It's a string!". It is called a literal because it is literal - you use its value literally. The number 2 always represents itself and nothing else - it is a constant because its value cannot be changed. Hence, all these are referred to as literal constants.
Numbers in Python are of three types - integers, floating point and complex numbers.
• An examples of an integer is 2 which is just a whole number.
• Examples of floating point numbers (or floats for short) are 3.23 and 52.3E-4. The E
notation indicates powers of 10. In this case, 52.3E-4 means 52.3 * 10-4.
• Examples of complex numbers are (-5+4j) and (2.3 - 4.6j)
Note for Experienced Programmers
There is no separate 'long int' type. The default integer type can be any large value.

A string is a sequence of characters. Strings are basically just a bunch of words. The words can be in English or any other language that is supported in the Unicode standard, which means almost any language in the world (http:/ / www. unicode. org/ faq/ basic_q. html#16).

Note for Experienced Programmers
There are no "ASCII-only" strings because Unicode is a superset of ASCII. If a strictly
ASCII-encoded byte-stream is needed, then use str.encode("ascii"). For more
details, please see the related discussion at StackOverflow (http:/ / stackoverflow. com/
questions/ 175240/how-do-i-convert-a-files-format-from-unicode-to-ascii-using-python#175270).
By default, all strings are in Unicode. I can almost guarantee that you will be using strings in almost every Python program that you write, so pay attention to the following part on how to use strings in Python.
Single Quotes
You can specify strings using single quotes such as 'Quote me on this'. All white space
i.e. spaces and tabs are preserved as-is.
Double Quotes
Strings in double quotes work exactly the same way as strings in single quotes. An example is "What's your name?"
Triple Quotes
You can specify multi-line strings using triple quotes - (""" or '''). You can use single quotes
and double quotes freely within the triple quotes. An example is:
'''This is a multi-line string. This is the first line.
This is the second line.
"What's your name?," I asked.
He said "Bond, James Bond."
Escape Sequences
Suppose, you want to have a string which contains a single quote ('), how will you specify this string? For example, the string is What's your name?. You cannot specify 'What's your name?' because Python will be confused as to where the string starts and ends. So, you will have to specify that this single quote does not indicate the end of the string. This can be done with the help of what is called an escape sequence. You specify the single quote as \' - notice the backslash. Now, you can specify the string as 'What\'s your
Another way of specifying this specific string would be "What's your name?" i.e. using double quotes. Similarly, you have to use an escape sequence for using a double quote itself in a double quoted string. Also, you have to indicate the backslash itself using the escape sequence \\.
What if you wanted to specify a two-line string? One way is to use a triple-quoted string as
shown previously or you can use an escape sequence for the newline character - \n to
indicate the start of a new line. An example is This is the first line\nThis is the
second line. Another useful escape sequence to know is the tab - \t. There are many more escape sequences but I have mentioned only the most useful ones here.
One thing to note is that in a string, a single backslash at the end of the line indicates that the string is continued in the next line, but no newline is added. For example:
"This is the first sentence.\
This is the second sentence."
is equivalent to "This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence.".
Raw Strings
If you need to specify some strings where no special processing such as escape sequences are handled, then what you need is to specify a raw string by prefixing r or R to the string.
An example is r"Newlines are indicated by \n".

Strings Are Immutable
This means that once you have created a string, you cannot change it. Although this might seem like a bad thing, it really isn't. We will see why this is not a limitation in the various programs that we see later on.

String Literal Concatenation
If you place two string literals side by side, they are automatically concatenated by Python. For example, 'What\'s ' 'your name?' is automatically converted in to "What's your name?".

Note for C/C++ Programmers
There is no separate char data type in Python. There is no real need for it and I am
sure you won't miss it.
Note for Perl/PHP Programmers
Remember that single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings are the same - they do
not differ in any way.
Note for Regular Expression Users
Always use raw strings when dealing with regular expressions. Otherwise, a lot of
backwhacking may be required. For example, backreferences can be referred to as
'\\1' or r'\1'.
The format Method
Sometimes we may want to construct strings from other information. This is where the
format() method is useful.

# Filename:
age = 25
name = 'Swaroop'
print('{0} is {1} years old'.format(name, age))
print('Why is {0} playing with that python?'.format(name))

$ python
Swaroop is 25 years old
Why is Swaroop playing with that python?

How It Works:
A string can use certain specifications and subsequently, the format method can be called
to substitute those specifications with corresponding arguments to the format method.
Observe the first usage where we use {0} and this corresponds to the variable name which
is the first argument to the format method. Similarly, the second specification is {1}
corresponding to age which is the second argument to the format method.
Notice that we could achieved the same using string concatenation: name + ' is ' +
str(age) + ' years old' but notice how much uglier and error-prone this is. Second, the
conversion to string would be done automatically by the format method instead of the
explicit conversion here. Third, when using the format method, we can change the
message without having to deal with the variables used and vice-versa.
What Python does in the format method is that it substitutes each argument value into the
place of the specification. There can be more detailed specifications such as:
>>> '{0:.3}'.format(1/3) # decimal (.) precision of 3 for float
>>> '{0:_^11}'.format('hello') # fill with underscores (_) with the text
centered (^) to 11 width
>>> '{name} wrote {book}'.format(name='Swaroop', book='A Byte of Python')
# keyword-based
'Swaroop wrote A Byte of Python'
Details of this formatting specification is explained in the Python Enhancement Proposal
No. 3101 (http:/ / www. python. org/ dev/ peps/ pep-3101/ ).
Using just literal constants can soon become boring - we need some way of storing any information and manipulate them as well. This is where variables come into the picture. Variables are exactly what the name implies - their value can vary, i.e., you can store anything using a variable. Variables are just parts of your computer's memory where you store some information. Unlike literal constants, you need some method of accessing these variables and hence you give them names.
Identifier Naming
Variables are examples of identifiers. Identifiers are names given to identify something.
There are some rules you have to follow for naming identifiers:
• The first character of the identifier must be a letter of the alphabet (uppercase ASCII or
lowercase ASCII or Unicode character) or an underscore ('_').
• The rest of the identifier name can consist of letters (uppercase ASCII or lowercase
ASCII or Unicode character), underscores ('_') or digits (0-9).
• Identifier names are case-sensitive. For example, myname and myName are not the same.
Note the lowercase n in the former and the uppercase N in the latter.
• Examples of valid identifier names are i, __my_name, name_23, a1b2_c3 and
• Examples of invalid identifier names are 2things, this is spaced out, my-name, and
Data Types
Variables can hold values of different types called data types. The basic types are numbers and strings, which we have already discussed. In later chapters, we will see how to create our own types using classes.
Remember, Python refers to anything used in a program as an object. This is meant in the generic sense. Instead of saying 'the something', we say 'the object'.
Note for Object Oriented Programming users Python is strongly object-oriented in the sense that everything is an object including numbers, strings and functions.
We will now see how to use variables along with literal constants. Save the following example and run the program.

How to write Python programs
Henceforth, the standard procedure to save and run a Python program is as follows:
1. Open your favorite editor.
1. Enter the program code given in the example.
1. Save it as a file with the filename mentioned in the comment. I follow the convention
of having all Python programs saved with the extension .py.
1. Run the interpreter with the command python or use IDLE to run the
programs. You can also use the executable method as explained earlier.
Example: Using Variables And Literal Constants
# Filename :
i = 5
i = i + 1
s = '''This is a multi-line string.
This is the second line.'''
$ python
This is a multi-line string.
This is the second line.
How It Works:
Here's how this program works. First, we assign the literal constant value 5 to the variable i using the assignment operator (=). This line is called a statement because it states that something should be done and in this case, we connect the variable name i to the value 5. Next, we print the value of i using the print statement which, unsurprisingly, just prints the value of the variable to the screen. Then we add 1 to the value stored in i and store it back. We then print it and expectedly, we get the value 6. Similarly, we assign the literal string to the variable s and then print it.

Note for static language programmers
Variables are used by just assigning them a value. No declaration or data type
definition is needed/used.
Logical And Physical Lines
A physical line is what you see when you write the program. A logical line is what Python
sees as a single statement. Python implicitly assumes that each physical line corresponds to
a logical line.
An example of a logical line is a statement like print('Hello World') - if this was on a
line by itself (as you see it in an editor), then this also corresponds to a physical line. Implicitly, Python encourages the use of a single statement per line which makes code more readable. If you want to specify more than one logical line on a single physical line, then you have to explicitly specify this using a semicolon (;) which indicates the end of a logical line/statement. For example,
i = 5
is effectively same as
i = 5;
and the same can be written as
i = 5; print(i);
or even
i = 5; print(i)
However, I strongly recommend that you stick to writing a single logical line in a
single physical line only. Use more than one physical line for a single logical line only if
the logical line is really long. The idea is to avoid the semicolon as much as possible since it leads to more readable code. In fact, I have never used or even seen a semicolon in a Python program. An example of writing a logical line spanning many physical lines follows. This is referred to as explicit line joining.
s = 'This is a string. \
This continues the string.'
This gives the output:
This is a string. This continues the string.
is the same as
Sometimes, there is an implicit assumption where you don't need to use a backslash. This is the case where the logical line uses parentheses, square brackets or curly braces. This is called implicit line joining. You can see this in action when we write programs using lists in later chapters.

Whitespace is important in Python. Actually, whitespace at the beginning of the line is important. This is called indentation. Leading whitespace (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of the logical line is used to determine the indentation level of the logical line, which in turn is used to determine the grouping of statements.
This means that statements which go together must have the same indentation. Each such set of statements is called a block. We will see examples of how blocks are important in later chapters. One thing you should remember is that wrong indentation can give rise to errors. For example:
i = 5
print('Value is ', i) # Error! Notice a single space at the start of
the line
print('I repeat, the value is ', i)
When you run this, you get the following error:
File "", line 4
print('Value is ', i) # Error! Notice a single space at the
start of the line
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Notice that there is a single space at the beginning of the second line. The error indicated by Python tells us that the syntax of the program is invalid i.e. the program was not properly written. What this means to you is that you cannot arbitrarily start new blocks of statements (except for the default main block which you have been using all along, of course). Cases where you can use new blocks will be detailed in later chapters such as the control flow chapter.

How to indent
Do not use a mixture of tabs and spaces for the indentation as it does not work across different platforms properly. I strongly recommend that you use a single tab or four spaces for each indentation level. Choose either of these two indentation styles. More importantly, choose one and use it consistently i.e. use that indentation style only.

Note to static language programmers
Python will always use indentation for blocks and will never use braces. Run from
__future__ import braces to learn more.
Now that we have gone through many nitty-gritty details, we can move on to more
interesting stuff such as control flow statements. Be sure to become comfortable with what you have read in this chapter.

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