I get problem while creating new blog on my Wordpress MultiSite (WPMU). The screen only show Error establishing database connection, see figure below.
When try to access the admin dashboard, acibut.com/communities/-wp-admin, I get this message.
Following that instruction, the problem is some tables corrupt and need to be repaired, hmmm Wodpress really has bad data integrity capability (exactly yes, table relationship is managed byWordpress, not the database it self). See figure below, a plugin has broke the system and make my new blog crash.
The solution is easy:
-Delete the recent blog created,
-Disable plugin that break the system, AWPCP plugin in my case.
-Try recreate the blog.
-Reactivate the plugin
All problem should be clear...
You may also try database repairing tool, see instruction below to activate this feature.
I hope this short posting make somebody's life easier :).