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cPanel Basic: File Manager and Database

cPanel is most widely used control panel in web hosting. It works on common Linux based web hosting server to manage database (MySql, PostgreSQL), scripting web app PHP/Perl, mail, DNS etc.. I write my experiance learning this system here.

How to put my PHP script on server?
cPanel dashboard
On cpnel dashborad, go to Files, select File manager, if you want to put your file on root folder, common path folder is: /home/[account-name]/public_html/www
Example I install Wordpress on a hosting.

How to set up my database?
On dashborad, select databases, I use MySQL for my blog, select MySQL Database (most left on database options).
Create a new database
Creating a new user then assign this user to a database.

More simple way to manage database, user database and common PHP web app:

You can use Softaculous or Fantastico to create database, user database and install common PHP app such as Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal etc.. On your dashboard, scroll down to see Software/Services options, select Fantastico or Softaculous.

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