-BidVertiser's Free Design Ads: By using this feature, you may design ads completely match to your template layout. Not only font style and background color, you event can define dimension of your ads. I think this feature is very useful, and other online advertising network should have it. And ad will no longer hurt web designer :).
-Text Link Advertising (TLA): Some ads networks offering TLA such as Clicksor, AdBrite. By this using this feature, text on your web page will be transform into link, and when user hover it, ads will appear. I think this feature will get more user attention then other ad format. Because user seem like to not see ad while thy are reading, and like to hover a link on text.
Chitika's collapse ad feature. |
Google AdSense is still my favorite ad network because its high relevancy to my article. And it has large advertiser network, so I never run out my ad slot. But I will be happier if AdSense support cool ad features above :).
Any comment? Don't be shy to fill comment box below :).