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Linux Di Virtualbox: Update System and Package Software

We have set our Linux guest OS to be able to access Internet on previous lesson. Now, we will try how to update our system and software package.

On modern Linux OS, there is software package management tool to make your life easier. Red Hat linux and its derivative use YUM. Debian and its derivative such as Ubuntu use apt-get software management. OpenSUSE use more advance system management tool, YasT.

Our Linux guest is CentOS, so we will update its system and software packages with YUM. View slides below for more information. You must login as root or another user that given privileged as administrator to perform software update.

As root, type command: yum update

YUM begin to check your system and compare it with latest database on Internet. Obsolete software will be marked to be updated.

YUM confirmation about number of packages need to be updated, in this example my CentOS will update 214 packages, install new 7 packages, and remove 8 old packages. type y and hit Enter.

YUM download packages begun.

Download is done. Type y and then hit Enter to start update.

YUM is installing update.
Update system is complete.

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