Continuing the previous posts. Learning Linux using VirtualBox with Windows XP as the host. For setting static IP Address in Linux with a text editor vi, I show the steps.
Setting first IP Address VirtualBox Host Adapter.
Langkah-langkah configure network adapter dengan text editir vi:
Periksa status Network adapter dengan command: ifconfig |
buka file konfigurasi dengan text editor vi |
Masukan parameter seprti gambar diatas. Simpan dan keluar dari vi dengan command: :wq |
Restart Network adapter dengan comman: /etc/init.d/network restart |
cek kembali dengan command ifconfig, Network adapter sudah terkonfigurasi |
Cek koneksi ke Windows XP dengan command ping |
Cek dengan ping di CMD DOS, sudah terkoneksi ke Linux |
On Red Hat / CentOS, in addition with a text editor such as above, can also with text mode user interface (TUI) with the command: system-config-networks. Every distro usually has its own way of setting up this IP address. Files and file locations are also typically different. But for settings with a text editor on the same principle. Explore you are willing to learn.