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Google AdSense: At Last I Get My First Earning

When I open my blogger account today, I get impressed by my AdSense report: $0.01 my first earning. Wow!

OK, this is what impress me: I have tried advice and suggestion on AdSense help and others source but they seem for advance user, not beginner like me. And the example they show usually for self hosted web site, and not for Blogger. I mean, for example, how to put the code in side body of article. You can see in this blog, ad placed in post area and this placement give me my first earning. I must try it by my self and Blogger doesn't give easier way to achieve it. Blogger only offer ads placement on sidebar and below post, and this not best placement based on my experiment. Although it is not CPC (cost per click) but CPM(cost per million), I understand now how important placement is.

Yes, its only $0.01, but my experience while learning AdSense system is more valuable and enjoyable. Many sources on net teach you how to get high payment, but remember blogging for money only will disappoint you.

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