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Instal Linux di Windows XP dengan Virtualbox

Download VirtualBox disini, chose VirtualBox 4.0.4 for Windows hosts. Manual can be downloaded on that site.

Pilih semua feature
Click Continue Anyway

Click Continue Anyway
Siap digrepe :)

Download ISO dari website Linux, saya menggunakan CentOS ambil disini,  via torrent atau beli DVDnya.
Click menu New untuk membuat virtual
Beri nama, pilih Linux, pilih version RedHat
Memory setting 256, agar host server tidak lack of memory
Create new virtual HD storage
Pilih Dinamicaly expanding storage
Kapasitas HD setting disini, sebaiknya biarkan 8GB
Klik next, finish:
Pilih virtual mesin yang baru dibikin, klik setting
Klik storage, pilih menu Add CD/DVD
Klik choose disk
Pilih file ISO CentOS yang didownload
Klik menu jaringan, adapter1 disetting Host Only Adapter, ini untuk koneksi virtual mesin dengan Windows sebagai host server.
Adapter2 disetting NAT, agar virtual mesin bisa konek Internet jika host server terhubung ke Internet
Klik mulai, virtual mesin akan dijalankan. ketik linux text untuk installasi dalam text mode
Pilih skip saja
Biarkan default saja

Pilih O saja, setting nanti ya
Biarkan dulu kosong
Masukan hostname, misal webserv01
Masukan password minimal 6 character
Pilih server menggunakan spasi, opsi lainnya kosongkan saja.
Installasi on-going....
Installasi selesai, tekan enter untuk reboot.
Setting boot order, pilih Hard Disk sebagai urutan pertama
Login dengan username: root
GNU / Linux has many variants (distributions / distribution). We recommend that you select which has a broad and active community development. Some popular free distro:

     * CentOS: Cloning of RedHat Linux, commonly used for Internet server services such as web servers, email servers, FTP servers and more. Focus development on the stability system. Impressed lags behind some other distributions such as Ubuntu that focus on developing new features.
     * Ubuntu: Good to a new study Linux, the management system more simple. We recommend that you select the version of the Long Term Support (LTS) for installation on the server. Community and active development. Hardware support is better than the other disto, suitable for laptops.
     * OpenSUSE: free version of the Novel SUSE. Suitable for application at the office, such as a file server, Domain Controller on the local network. Has good compatibility with Microsoft Windows systems. Easily configured with YaST, like Control Panel in Windows.
     * Debian: Old School:). Stem from other distributions such as Ubuntu, Knopixx and others. Broader community, systemnya quite stable. Tend to be "complicated" for beginners.


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